I went for a wedding ceremony on Saturday & I really enjoyed myself.
It was in an Anglican church & trust blacks, we're never on time. Both groom and bridegroom came late. The vicar (abi na priest) was already brimming fire & brimstone if the couple came as late as 1 hr after the scheduled time. If they weren't present, he said he was gonna join 2 seats together and leave for home. LOL!
U needed to c his face 2 know that he meant it.
Well, I was busy enjoying the serenity of the edifice, prowling through the designs with my eyes when the Vicar was churning out words enough to fill an encyclopaedia. It's been a while I entered mighty & sacred edifices last, so I had to refresh my memory.
In turning my head almost 360 degrees, i discovered 2 marble plates of The Ten Commandments on the walls. I tried reciting the ten before looking through the plates, but I was able to remember only 2:
1. Thou shall not have another God except for me.
2. Thou shall not commit adultery.
There was nothing I cld do to remember the rest. I had to bow my head in shame. After many years of going to church, I cldn't even remember those basic rules.
It's not my fault you know,neither am I the only one. I know that President George W. Bush also doesn't even know many out of the ten commandments. If he did, he wouldn't have invaded Iraq. Cos I read on the marble plates 'Thou shalt not Kill'.
I then realised that Pentecostalism has stepped us so very high not to remember nitty-gritties like 10 commandments.
D most amazing thing that happened was that my cousin who has a PhD in anything in skirts was able to recite like 6 of them. I was impressed. So yanshists also read the bible very well?!
My prayer is that God shouldn't ask us to recite the Ten commandments before we enter heaven. Or else...............different versions go dey oh!. There'll even be remix self.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
A little more'll be better
Day after day I hear the soft, gentle whisper of my true self, "You are better than this, you are under-utilising urself".
I try to cope with it like I do usually to issues brought up by that same voice.
Today, amidst the joy that filled my heart when I read that corruption and evils are being handsomely rewarded, that voice asked me why I've sealed my heart to responding to it. I felt pressured a little, so I decided to blog it out & see if it gives me some relief like it always does.
In trying to open up, I must confess that close to a year this voice has been telling me that I've gradually started dragging to the under-achievement level. It usually tells me that "You are beginning to live your life like every black person and normal human being".
Do not think I'm being racist by saying that I 'live my life like every black person'. The truth remains that the black race needs a raise and an upliftment from its present level. So they that know they lag behind by a kilometer should muster strength of a kilometer, and not compare themselves with those who barely have much to cover.
Funny enough, that same voice has been telling me for a long time now that I have much to do to help the black race and people in need. I sit down and ask myself atimes WTF? I ain't Bono or Bob Geldof, why then me. It (the gentle voice) continues by saying that either you do it and give a lift to the people or you simply be every normal person and the rat race of struggle for survival and existence continues.
I have come to learn that this same thought comes into the minds of people, but many hardly heed to its call.
The song that the sage Tai Solarin thought us when we were in high school kept flooding my mind:
I shall pass through this world but once
Any good thing I can do
Any kindness I can show
To any woman or man alive
Let me do it now
Let me not defer
Let me not neglect it
For I shall never pass this way again
Simply keeping mute to wrong doings and decisions are parts of the things that fuel backwardness lack of growth, why then should people not just speak out against any wrongdoings (in a secured manner though)? Your profound and outstanding achievement in your field can also propel people, not only you, to a level of comfort.
Remember your 2 cents (or 50) can be of great significance to the entire issues.
Atimes I ask myself what platform our children and the generations unborn will inherit. Something has to be done to put my people on a better pedestal.
Don't you think that your kids might not be able to stay (or even visit) their motherland when they grow up due to backwardness and lack of growth. No matter how rich we become in life, our environment (roots and physical environment) will determine either if we'll get value for our riches or just amass wealth and not enjoy them freely due to the fact that hungry neighbours will do anything to grab our possessions.
I find succour in Beautiful Nubia's music.
Do you have anything to do for the betterment of the people, or just live your life and go (jejely)in peace.
I got more on my mind.
I try to cope with it like I do usually to issues brought up by that same voice.
Today, amidst the joy that filled my heart when I read that corruption and evils are being handsomely rewarded, that voice asked me why I've sealed my heart to responding to it. I felt pressured a little, so I decided to blog it out & see if it gives me some relief like it always does.
In trying to open up, I must confess that close to a year this voice has been telling me that I've gradually started dragging to the under-achievement level. It usually tells me that "You are beginning to live your life like every black person and normal human being".
Do not think I'm being racist by saying that I 'live my life like every black person'. The truth remains that the black race needs a raise and an upliftment from its present level. So they that know they lag behind by a kilometer should muster strength of a kilometer, and not compare themselves with those who barely have much to cover.
Funny enough, that same voice has been telling me for a long time now that I have much to do to help the black race and people in need. I sit down and ask myself atimes WTF? I ain't Bono or Bob Geldof, why then me. It (the gentle voice) continues by saying that either you do it and give a lift to the people or you simply be every normal person and the rat race of struggle for survival and existence continues.
I have come to learn that this same thought comes into the minds of people, but many hardly heed to its call.
The song that the sage Tai Solarin thought us when we were in high school kept flooding my mind:
I shall pass through this world but once
Any good thing I can do
Any kindness I can show
To any woman or man alive
Let me do it now
Let me not defer
Let me not neglect it
For I shall never pass this way again
Simply keeping mute to wrong doings and decisions are parts of the things that fuel backwardness lack of growth, why then should people not just speak out against any wrongdoings (in a secured manner though)? Your profound and outstanding achievement in your field can also propel people, not only you, to a level of comfort.
Remember your 2 cents (or 50) can be of great significance to the entire issues.
Atimes I ask myself what platform our children and the generations unborn will inherit. Something has to be done to put my people on a better pedestal.
Don't you think that your kids might not be able to stay (or even visit) their motherland when they grow up due to backwardness and lack of growth. No matter how rich we become in life, our environment (roots and physical environment) will determine either if we'll get value for our riches or just amass wealth and not enjoy them freely due to the fact that hungry neighbours will do anything to grab our possessions.
I find succour in Beautiful Nubia's music.
Do you have anything to do for the betterment of the people, or just live your life and go (jejely)in peace.
I got more on my mind.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Efrebo,Efrebo....you go wound oh!

This young man is talking anyhow.
What measure of success has he that he's feeling like superman? Even Superman broke his leg eventually.
Efrebo,Efrebo....you go wound oh!
Too sad to blog
I feel too sad to blog today. M15, Her Majesty's Secret Service, Tony Blair and the whole British government have let me down. They must make a public apology for their inefficiency.
How cld they allow Alams to escape?! They have unleashed the dragon.
Imnakoya has more words to spare on this. Chippla & UKNAIJA are helping out too.
As for me, I'm disappointed in Britain.
Read my other blog.
How cld they allow Alams to escape?! They have unleashed the dragon.
Imnakoya has more words to spare on this. Chippla & UKNAIJA are helping out too.
As for me, I'm disappointed in Britain.
Read my other blog.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Funniest blog of all times
Since the day I was born, I ain't seen a blog as funny as this.
The blogger's been nominated for Guinness award.
The blogger's been nominated for Guinness award.
Eldorado | Paradise annex
You know, one of the enjoyable things about wkends is that you get to do those things which you can't during the week. And one of those things I do (though not religiously) is listening to music - I mean good ones. I like those ones who either have lyrics that make sense or those with good sounds that make your ears yearn for me. If I come across one that doesn't meet these criteria, I drop it like it's hot.
So today I start by listening to Sade, then Chocolate factory (R. Kelly), then Eva Cassidy (Time afer time) and then Seal (Kiss from a rose, Get it together) and then I start wondering why my brother hasn't dropped another album. So I decided to go check out his website.
DAMN! The website is just BAAM! True to my thinking, there it was,a new set of cool music. U can listen to them on his seal player.

U can't understand the ecclestiatic feeling of listen to nice, cool voice blended with great out-of-this-world acoustics on harman/kardon speakers except you experience it. Combined with a quiet, weekend-influenced environment, it's a little short of paradise.
I must commend the artiste. His music is distinct, clear and good to hear.
I wonder if those in charge of music awards are awake to these good tunes. The problem is that people's eardrums have been affected by factory and industrial machine sounds that good sounds pass like the rustling of tree-branches in their ears. We don't want no more pant-below-beltline winners in music awards no more. Give prizes to those who went to music school and understand what it means to produce wonderful sounds.

Well sha, if they don't applaud you I do jare Mr. Seal. U r doing a great job. Thumbs up for u.
So today I start by listening to Sade, then Chocolate factory (R. Kelly), then Eva Cassidy (Time afer time) and then Seal (Kiss from a rose, Get it together) and then I start wondering why my brother hasn't dropped another album. So I decided to go check out his website.
DAMN! The website is just BAAM! True to my thinking, there it was,a new set of cool music. U can listen to them on his seal player.

U can't understand the ecclestiatic feeling of listen to nice, cool voice blended with great out-of-this-world acoustics on harman/kardon speakers except you experience it. Combined with a quiet, weekend-influenced environment, it's a little short of paradise.
I must commend the artiste. His music is distinct, clear and good to hear.
I wonder if those in charge of music awards are awake to these good tunes. The problem is that people's eardrums have been affected by factory and industrial machine sounds that good sounds pass like the rustling of tree-branches in their ears. We don't want no more pant-below-beltline winners in music awards no more. Give prizes to those who went to music school and understand what it means to produce wonderful sounds.

Well sha, if they don't applaud you I do jare Mr. Seal. U r doing a great job. Thumbs up for u.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Ask & it shall be given unto you
Well, it's good to always speak out about the desires of your heart and those things you want as they say. My pastor has warned us that sealed lips connote a sealed destiny.
So I've decided to use every availablle means to speak out about the things I want. The holy spirit might just touch your life to bless me with anyone you can afford. Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Western Union, Flash-me-Cash..........anything u got is highly acceptable.
First n foremost, I wanna sell Sony VAIO (PCG-8c3L) 17" screen with its DVD-ROM, battery, power adapter,external floppy drive & in fact, the whole laptop....cos the owner has being worrying me as if I'm d devil that put the laptop in its undesired state. If u know anyone who wants 2 buy these parts, then u r an angel sent from heaven. I'll give u a discount price.
Secondly, I wanna get my TV tuner box I can be using for video editting before xmas.
I need a monitor (17" will be appropriate).
Lord, please don't let it be that Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will eventually join force with Charles Taylor to form a weapon of mass destruction in Liberia.
I also pray that Baba Iyabo's purported third term bid (though strongly disclaimed by him) is only a joke as it seems to me.
All these very few things I ask for in the name of Jesus.
And the people say................??
So I've decided to use every availablle means to speak out about the things I want. The holy spirit might just touch your life to bless me with anyone you can afford. Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Western Union, Flash-me-Cash..........anything u got is highly acceptable.
First n foremost, I wanna sell Sony VAIO (PCG-8c3L) 17" screen with its DVD-ROM, battery, power adapter,external floppy drive & in fact, the whole laptop....cos the owner has being worrying me as if I'm d devil that put the laptop in its undesired state. If u know anyone who wants 2 buy these parts, then u r an angel sent from heaven. I'll give u a discount price.
Secondly, I wanna get my TV tuner box I can be using for video editting before xmas.
I need a monitor (17" will be appropriate).
Lord, please don't let it be that Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will eventually join force with Charles Taylor to form a weapon of mass destruction in Liberia.
I also pray that Baba Iyabo's purported third term bid (though strongly disclaimed by him) is only a joke as it seems to me.
All these very few things I ask for in the name of Jesus.
And the people say................??
Friday, November 11, 2005
I never knew one cld get inspiration from such an angle. You cld almost touch the determination in the life of this young man. As a driver, most people look down on them and think of no sensible or beneficial thing from them. Yet still, his drive for a better life is impeccable.
I was chauffered from a naming ceremony of my colleague by one of our drivers and I gained what I mightn't have from a consultant. Though the ride didn't last more than 40 mins, I enjoyed it as if it was a long session.
You can't believe the focus in the life of this driver, the words of his mouth shows that his present position is just a transition point. And then I tell myself that I don't have a strong spirit like this guy. Maybe he knoweth not what he doeth to other people's lives, he's a great encouragement. It was then I realise that many pple r more focused and determined when they are at the low side of life. The will to win, it makes us free. With this, I've learnt not to underrate or look down on people any more
World monitor:
Ex world bank staff seems to be sailing thru to become Liberia's and Africa's 1st female President (not that it really matters, mine's that there shld be peace in Liberia - either they r ruled by men, women or even haemaphrodites).
Woman on top? I don't care, just make sure it's enjoyable, whoever's on top.And King George seems not to be accepting defeat in good faith (that's rather unsportsmanly from an ex-world player). So they shld get election bickering over with and let's see new development over there. I'm tired of praying 4 dat country.
I'm really sorry 4 dis couples (wedding joy to bombing horror) whose wedding day turned 2 mourning day. Imagine if a prophet told him not 2 get married dat day, he wouldn't have taken heed all the same. What if u wake up in the morning of your wedding and get a strong feeling dat u shldn't go out dat day? What wld u do? Hard 2 answer enh?
I was chauffered from a naming ceremony of my colleague by one of our drivers and I gained what I mightn't have from a consultant. Though the ride didn't last more than 40 mins, I enjoyed it as if it was a long session.
You can't believe the focus in the life of this driver, the words of his mouth shows that his present position is just a transition point. And then I tell myself that I don't have a strong spirit like this guy. Maybe he knoweth not what he doeth to other people's lives, he's a great encouragement. It was then I realise that many pple r more focused and determined when they are at the low side of life. The will to win, it makes us free. With this, I've learnt not to underrate or look down on people any more
World monitor:

Woman on top? I don't care, just make sure it's enjoyable, whoever's on top.And King George seems not to be accepting defeat in good faith (that's rather unsportsmanly from an ex-world player). So they shld get election bickering over with and let's see new development over there. I'm tired of praying 4 dat country.
I'm really sorry 4 dis couples (wedding joy to bombing horror) whose wedding day turned 2 mourning day. Imagine if a prophet told him not 2 get married dat day, he wouldn't have taken heed all the same. What if u wake up in the morning of your wedding and get a strong feeling dat u shldn't go out dat day? What wld u do? Hard 2 answer enh?
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Ah yes. It's gd 2 be back after a long wkend and a bout of flu.
Been trying 2 blog but d flu has been crippling my fingers. Thank God it's gone now.
So blog..... blog.... So many things happened during the wkend. Kept a mental diary so I'll share wiv u guys.
First I met an old colleague from secondary sch and we were jisting about life generally. My guy just kept spewing dirty.I cldn't believe how fucked up his brain was. His head needs to be totally rewired. I felt pity for him. It all started when he caught his girlie playing ping-pong wiv a guy in his room. He was so dazed that he wanked her black wiv insults. The overflows of the insults were the ones he spoke when I saw him.
And his resolution is very disastrous. His resolution is that there's no mercy for any babe that comes his way. Sounds more like Revenge of the Sith. Pardon me, I can't find characters on the keyboard to express those things that came from his mouth. What fears me most is that if there are up to 1000 guys like him in this world, then all ya ladies r in deep shit. It will be more than French riots.
Talking about d French riot, I feel very sorry for the PrimeMinister,Dominic De villepin. I've always liked the man.
Dunno why, but his name stuck to my memory long time ago before he was made prime minister. It cld be his look ( reminds me of Simba in The Lion King cartoon) or his charisma. I can't really place my finger on what attracts me 2 him. At least he's not mean-looking like Uncle Jacque (they say he looks like an hired assasin).
The main focus is on how the french government will be tackling the issue. I'm very keen to learn from that. I've always learned to 'learn from other people's mistakes, you can't make all the mistakes yourself'. I am charmed by the positive & orderly way they r tackling it. Kudos to them.
This is a lesson to many African leaders and leaders throughout the world on crisis management. U don't go raiding homes and fighting people to settle crisis. U remove the object of discord.
This is what I rank world class leadership.
I didn't know that prevention cld also cause great trouble, I was obediently updating windows today and the screen went blue. It wasn't very funny cos I cldn't remove the update from safe mode. Thank God there was system restore, so I cld restore to some minutes back. Pheeeww...that was close!! But Bill Gates ought to be more careful in posting updates for users to download. Some of these updates make people's systems go berzerk!! And then I wonder why people pay so much money for software that doesn't even guarantee effective security. Well sha, I not get mouth to talk, na pirated software we dey use most.
Been trying 2 blog but d flu has been crippling my fingers. Thank God it's gone now.
So blog..... blog.... So many things happened during the wkend. Kept a mental diary so I'll share wiv u guys.
First I met an old colleague from secondary sch and we were jisting about life generally. My guy just kept spewing dirty.I cldn't believe how fucked up his brain was. His head needs to be totally rewired. I felt pity for him. It all started when he caught his girlie playing ping-pong wiv a guy in his room. He was so dazed that he wanked her black wiv insults. The overflows of the insults were the ones he spoke when I saw him.
And his resolution is very disastrous. His resolution is that there's no mercy for any babe that comes his way. Sounds more like Revenge of the Sith. Pardon me, I can't find characters on the keyboard to express those things that came from his mouth. What fears me most is that if there are up to 1000 guys like him in this world, then all ya ladies r in deep shit. It will be more than French riots.
Talking about d French riot, I feel very sorry for the PrimeMinister,Dominic De villepin. I've always liked the man.

The main focus is on how the french government will be tackling the issue. I'm very keen to learn from that. I've always learned to 'learn from other people's mistakes, you can't make all the mistakes yourself'. I am charmed by the positive & orderly way they r tackling it. Kudos to them.
This is a lesson to many African leaders and leaders throughout the world on crisis management. U don't go raiding homes and fighting people to settle crisis. U remove the object of discord.
This is what I rank world class leadership.
I didn't know that prevention cld also cause great trouble, I was obediently updating windows today and the screen went blue. It wasn't very funny cos I cldn't remove the update from safe mode. Thank God there was system restore, so I cld restore to some minutes back. Pheeeww...that was close!! But Bill Gates ought to be more careful in posting updates for users to download. Some of these updates make people's systems go berzerk!! And then I wonder why people pay so much money for software that doesn't even guarantee effective security. Well sha, I not get mouth to talk, na pirated software we dey use most.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Live and let live
Thank God it's Friday.
Been musing over a device which just wouldn't respond.
You'll understand what I went thru if u've tried something, which u know ordinarily will give way, and it just remains there like Zuma rock and defiant like a Janjaweed. The only thing I didn't do to this laptop to make it work is to smash it on the ground. I grew impatient and frustrated over time, so I had to dump it to ease the tension.
Don't let me bore you jare.
Today, I'm faced with the option of standing for what I know should be or just let it go (like every normal person wey no dey find trouble). It baffles me when I discover the length to which pple will go in order to put food on their tables and get livelihood. Some will suddenly forget that some things aren't morally right, all in the name of making money.
OK let me explain, 'cos of those who don't understand latin.
I'm opportuned to be amidst decision-makers in a not so small business. This biz has grown so much that it's becoming a nuisance to the people in the neighbourhood. Neighbours have started complaining about d effect d business has started having on living conditions. I cld almost feel the pain growing in me when a neighbour was narrating how he was trying to cope with everything. Conscience pricked me.
I knew I could swing decision to make the business halt. But what about the profits et al was what came to my mind. I knew it wouldn't hold water, other peeps convenience were @ stake. After an attempts to reinvent the wheels of the business to make it environment-friendly, I discovered that there's no way one can prevent the inconveniences from occuring. That did it! I told others I want out.
What surprises me most in the whole issue is how they refused vehemently to give up what's constituting nuisance to the environment. They just won't see reasons to it that it's not right to make life uncomfortable for others in the name of running business. I was stunned! How can pple be so inhumane and uncaring for others.
This caused deep-set thoughts within me in these fews days. If my close peeps can do that, then it must be common in the entire populace. Governments selling guns and dangerous amunitions to warring factions just in the name of making money. They do not care abt the aftermath of their moneyhunts.
But why would pple do things that will harm others just because they wanna survive. Isn't it about common survival? What more can people get from becoming richer and richer? They can't get richest, 'cos there's nothing like being richest.
Some pple say it's common among the poor and hungry, but I've found that it's all around the world.
This message is not directly meant for the leaders of the G8 nations, or the leaders of various nations, it's simply meant for U & I. Why not make the world a better place for others to live in.
If I may ask you, how far will you go in order to get ur sustainance?
Been musing over a device which just wouldn't respond.
You'll understand what I went thru if u've tried something, which u know ordinarily will give way, and it just remains there like Zuma rock and defiant like a Janjaweed. The only thing I didn't do to this laptop to make it work is to smash it on the ground. I grew impatient and frustrated over time, so I had to dump it to ease the tension.
Don't let me bore you jare.
Today, I'm faced with the option of standing for what I know should be or just let it go (like every normal person wey no dey find trouble). It baffles me when I discover the length to which pple will go in order to put food on their tables and get livelihood. Some will suddenly forget that some things aren't morally right, all in the name of making money.
OK let me explain, 'cos of those who don't understand latin.

I knew I could swing decision to make the business halt. But what about the profits et al was what came to my mind. I knew it wouldn't hold water, other peeps convenience were @ stake. After an attempts to reinvent the wheels of the business to make it environment-friendly, I discovered that there's no way one can prevent the inconveniences from occuring. That did it! I told others I want out.
What surprises me most in the whole issue is how they refused vehemently to give up what's constituting nuisance to the environment. They just won't see reasons to it that it's not right to make life uncomfortable for others in the name of running business. I was stunned! How can pple be so inhumane and uncaring for others.
This caused deep-set thoughts within me in these fews days. If my close peeps can do that, then it must be common in the entire populace. Governments selling guns and dangerous amunitions to warring factions just in the name of making money. They do not care abt the aftermath of their moneyhunts.
But why would pple do things that will harm others just because they wanna survive. Isn't it about common survival? What more can people get from becoming richer and richer? They can't get richest, 'cos there's nothing like being richest.
Some pple say it's common among the poor and hungry, but I've found that it's all around the world.
This message is not directly meant for the leaders of the G8 nations, or the leaders of various nations, it's simply meant for U & I. Why not make the world a better place for others to live in.
If I may ask you, how far will you go in order to get ur sustainance?
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Christmas in the air
I couldn't believe my eyes when I got home yesterday. After a hard day's work, what one will expect is to have a very peaceful night, some hours in front of the TV and a nice meal and then dozzing of when watching a movie. But that is not the story in the area I live in.
Mind you, I DO NOT live in the suburb, neither do I live in the shanty. My house is not located at Mushin, Ajegunle or Soweto. Though I've been hearing about it, I have never experienced living in total darkness for half a year.
Sometime around april, the transformer serving us electricity went ka-boom due to excess load. The aftermath would be for us to wait for the electricity company to source (round the world) for a new one to replace it.
I was almost blinded by the vision of light from the various bulbs ripping thru my iris. I couldn't believe it. Electricity supply after 6 months of darkness! I had to make do with the support of cars parked along roadside in order to get home, cos I was too dazzled. I almost missed my way home.
I finally got home. Opened the door to find a bunch of happy people smiling at me as if it was xmas. And then I ask myself, isn't it xmas? Yes it is, it's just that the date isn't Dec 25th.
Right now, I'm the happiest person in the blogosphere. The xformer was replaced in a record time (considering the time it takes 4 other peeps xformers to be restored, 6 months is jet speed). The thanksgiving service will be held on sunday at various churches. Please join us in thanking the good Lord for his show of kindness.
I got a repository here. Read keenly for my story, it's somewhere in the middle.
I'm coming up with a few very interesting posts,but it's time consuming and tasking. However, with the availability of ease at my residence, it's gonna be faster.
Fasten ur seatbelts.
And by the way, wish me MERRY XMAS.
Mind you, I DO NOT live in the suburb, neither do I live in the shanty. My house is not located at Mushin, Ajegunle or Soweto. Though I've been hearing about it, I have never experienced living in total darkness for half a year.
Sometime around april, the transformer serving us electricity went ka-boom due to excess load. The aftermath would be for us to wait for the electricity company to source (round the world) for a new one to replace it.
I was almost blinded by the vision of light from the various bulbs ripping thru my iris. I couldn't believe it. Electricity supply after 6 months of darkness! I had to make do with the support of cars parked along roadside in order to get home, cos I was too dazzled. I almost missed my way home.
I finally got home. Opened the door to find a bunch of happy people smiling at me as if it was xmas. And then I ask myself, isn't it xmas? Yes it is, it's just that the date isn't Dec 25th.
Right now, I'm the happiest person in the blogosphere. The xformer was replaced in a record time (considering the time it takes 4 other peeps xformers to be restored, 6 months is jet speed). The thanksgiving service will be held on sunday at various churches. Please join us in thanking the good Lord for his show of kindness.
I got a repository here. Read keenly for my story, it's somewhere in the middle.
I'm coming up with a few very interesting posts,but it's time consuming and tasking. However, with the availability of ease at my residence, it's gonna be faster.
Fasten ur seatbelts.
And by the way, wish me MERRY XMAS.
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