There are many things going on here. The disappointment there is that 98.5% of them aren't good news.
One was the jist that Funsho Williams, the man who has since wanted to become the governor of Lagos state, was murdered. Then it was confirmed officially that he was slain in his house. The shocker was when I heard his full name : ANTHONY! Olufunsho Williams. I was unhappy with that.
Not that I didn't care at all about someone being killed, I was already expecting that politicians, who by nature don't have the mental capacity to think very far, would start killing themselves like Sicilian mafia. I only knew Funsho Williams to be a very gentle man from far away. I didn't really know what his inner man seemed to be, not nowadays that the most quiet ones (like our VP) are the most gluttonous. But I must admit, he was a gentleman from what most most people saw.
So then I decided to honour him by keeping quiet until he's buried. And he'll be today.
But what baffles me is how those policemen who called their British counterpart to help them by scooping fingerprints at the murder scene will fish out the perpetrators. You gotta have a databank of fingerprints of all Nigerians, if that's too much - Lagosians then, for you to be able to match those scooped. Abi white man don become winch wey dey get people without matching with database? Well, don't let us dishonour funsho's demise.
Adieu Funsho.
Over & out.
Then comes the story of the
Bin Laden turned pastor who roasted his church members by fire after charging them with adultery. When God of Elijah refused to send down fire, he organised man-made one to destroy the erring church members.
This pastor caught my attention sometimes ago when I saw the enormous beards he parades and the lavish title ascribed to him: Most Honourable Reverend Doctor Chukwuemeka King. Do you need so many titles to perform your duties? Even the Secretary General of UN doesn't have that! Abi it was God's leading to amass those large beards? Orisirisi dey happen for Lagos oh. If you are a man and are blessed with being hairy, just try join some attachment to it and learn how to shake your body very well & people will visit you, no matter how crude your church setting looks. Just do mysterious things and people will come. You don't even need Juju nowadays, just know how to assess people and psyche them, your church will be filled up in a month. And if you want youths to visit your church, get some texts on motivation and start preaching on better days to come & you'll see ardent youths jump in the congregation shouting 'ride on Pastor'.
This bros no just mercy for those people oh, him roast dem so tey one of dem don die after intensive care.
Plenty nonsense dey happen for hia oh.