Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A typical day

How is your typical day like? Do you find it hard to rest, work, read, think/meditate, eat or do anything? What do you do most? What is it that you would like to remove from your typical day.
Typical days have changed for many in Nigeria whose lives aren't far from the consumption of chicken. Bird flu is seriously disturbing ladies whose place of amusement is the nearest eatery.
Either you are an Aristo/Sugar Daddy (elderly men dating younger ladies) or you are a sugar-mouthed young man who wants to catch some fun, the place you all meet is the fast-food joint where everyone brings his 'Pacero'.
Well, things have changed very much as the sudden emergence of bird flu has incapacitated ladies from having their usual thrills on dates where they stand in front of the counter pointing their slim, long fingers (enchanced by long-fixed nails) at assorted grubs here and there. Men have hereby heaved a sigh of relief that at least it will be cost- effective to date ladies especially around this Valentine season. Nigerian ladies should be given awards or recognition for being one of the greatest consumers of chickens/turkeys and many flying objects.
I'm sure it's gonna take a while to find replacement for chicken which has precariously left the menu. Remember, chop chicken & die!

Well, my typical day is spent in front of the black box. First I check Guardian, then Thisday, Punch, then my email, and I eventually remember to use my aggregator to make news easier to read. Then I move to more entertaining things by going to the blogosphere. Chippla comes first, cause he always rants on very serious things (some say he's a Professor with bushy hair like Uncle Wole). Then I move to Imnakoya's grandiose parlor which is the only one of its kind. It's just 100% original. I don't miss Nneka for any reason, except I've got heaps of workload and I can't concentrate on the sumptuos posts ('cos it's necessary to concentrate on enjoyment to step down from the worries of the environment). Once I check Nneka, I don't miss dqueenb. Then Nyjaguy who's keeping it real, Frances (smile full everywhere), who I won't be surprised to see in one of the movies I watch very soon. I'm very sure the role she'll play will not be the frowning one, cos I can't comprehend how she's gonna make herself frown. Then I move to the general Nigeria blog aggregator where I can get a better view of all postings. Sometimes I wish Trae and Exschoolnerd can have posts more often.
When I'm feeling techie or geeky, I go to see Shola and Kayzee.
At a time like this, you shouldn't do without visiting boggywoggy/kisses & roses.
And then my eyes stroll to the buttom right corner of my screen. 'Oh shit!'. I blogged the whole day.

Happy Valentine y'all. We'll blog when work's done.
Have a fabulous Valentine. Ladies, no chop ur man too much oh.


Nneka's World said...

Typical day for me:
Get ready for work, come to work, work, go home, go to gym, maybe see some friends, go to sleep.
How boring can i be?

TMinx said...

I promised myself to only go onto blogosphere after i've done absolutely everything i need to get done for work cos I've been falling behind like mad. U should try it or ur ass will get fired..or don't u work?

Anonymous said...

blog aggregators eg bloglines is in my books the greatest invention since slice bread. lol.

im sorry man but stuff is crazy at my ends thats why i'm on the low.

LondonBuki said...

I feel you... right now I have no work to do at my workplace, so just to look busy, I read blogs that aren't too eye-catching and you can get carried away... LOL!!!