This post is not to repeat what others have already done, but to analyse the incidence and ascertain whether it was avoidable or necessary to happen before we all sit up.
There are strong indications that the incidences were not only avoidable, but were results of greedy acts of those at the positions of airline safety. These people already knew that airplanes are (by their wicked actions) flying coffins/time bombs which only require time before they explode.
It was gathered that these planes had been considered unworthy or too old for transportation but different funny things happened that made them qualify to roam the Nigerian airspace.
A typical example is that when Ufot Ekaete (Secretary to the Federal government) sent a memo thru Mallam/Alhaji (or whatever) Isa Yuguda (the then minister for aviation) to the President that some airlines were defective in maintenance. Strange enough, this letter did not get to the President until two weeks ago. I am most definitely sure that this letter would have been used as a tool for demand of ghana-must-go quantities of money. Or what explanation is to be given for the delay in passage of a memo issued December 13, 2004 not to get to the President until two weeks ago?! Even if it was being sent by post through the never efficient Postal Service to Australia, it would have gotten there earlier than that time.

This kind of attitude is being put up by many people in their workplace. Simple things like you not just doing your work meticulously cause other people to be put in eternal sorrow and anguish. Sosoliso airline knew quite well that their planes were not air-worthy but circumvented the law just in the name of making profit.
I want to implore you in whatever field of endeavour to be the best and do your work with great efficiency and effectiveness.
Who will bring back the sunshine to the lives of those families that lost their three kids due to the greed of a group of people? When will all the pains go for the man who cannot even locate the corpse of his only son in the morgue?
Why not make the world a better place by doing the right thing?!
When you take more than your fair share, someone somewhere bears the pains of your action.
1 comment:
I was tagged by one and only Nneka on Blogspot :)
Here are the instructions as initiated by dqueenb:
Hopefully we’ll get to know each other this way…there are a ton of Nigerian folks on Blogspot and I think we should get to know each other, I saw this on Xanga and I think its cool so here is how it works. The Rules 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blogspot entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their blogspot IDs. Can you dig it?
I didn't know how much I didn't know about myself till I had to think about this. It took me 2 weeks to come up with my answers. Damn! Lol. That's really fucked up!
1. I think about sex and money all the time and I mean all the time... Hmmm...I don't know. Is that really a weird habit?
2. I belch 24/7 or let me say this I can burp anytime that I want to. I know. Gross!! Actually, that's what I use to break ice with kids. Lol. It works all the time.
3. I have this habit of milking out any topic that is brought up by friends till the topic is worn out.
4. I say the same thing over and over again when having conversations and I am trying to stress what I am talking about. I mean over and over and over again - like fucking resounding cymbals. I always have to catch myself.
5. Everytime I go shopping, I come back home, lay out everything I bought, recalculate and always end up returning at least one of the items. You would think that infers that I am a good saver. Hell naa!
5 habits were asked for but I will give one more:
6. Even after having the kind of wild and wow sex that makes you unable to even lift your finger, I still have the urge to call Palmela after few hrs. I don't necessarily do though. ;)
Ok. Maybe the 6th one was just for fun. Lol!
I am tagging the following people:
On a lighter mode...
silent storms in an ocean of one
The Rantings of Ayesha
Nigerian on the edge
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