The idea sounds nice, but one disturbing fact there is that he's going to study Diploma in Christian Theology in the School of Arts and Social Sciences. Then one wonders, what exactly does he need that course for? If it was a degree in Economics, then we'll say he needed to learn from the few mistakes he made while in government.
The closest explanation to Mr. Aremu's choice is that he is finally planning to rest from partisan politics. He is going to be an elder statesman who will be armed with diploma in settling disputes amongst ethnics, parties and ideologies.
But can Baba Otta rest after May 29 2007? After allaying every stakeholder who was not in the same class of thinking with him.....
Who is deceiving who?
Obo n gb'obo g'ope (Monkey is helping another monkey climb a tree).
na wa for you - only you can come out with monkey teach monkey - maybe he wants to learn about christian theology - and his guilty concience is killing him - But I dont know what he should be guilty about. Change is good - maybe it was time for a change for himself. That picture of him is funny though - I wasnt sure if it was really him!!LOL.
I like the new look........what uni is baba aremu goin too? lol
hows u Anthony?
Me fine keshi. What's up?
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