Like the calmness and sense of belonging that has crept into people after Abacha was taken away.
Like how male jeans have become so increasingly expensive because ladies have culturally dumped skirts & wrappers.
Like having teenagers and even 10 year-olds infiltrating driveways with their father's cars and rented motorcycles.
Like having xmas and finding out that 85% of meals prepared in houses are rice (be it jollof, fried, etc........same ni).
Like having to see that everybody's aware of sex, even those in elementary school.
All those ones are small sef. I remember when I was growing up that ladies would cry their eyes out when they are getting married. They would weep so much that it's their mothers and fathers who would pacify them and remind them that it's a day of joy and not sorrows.
But nowadays things have changed. Have you seen ladies get married in recent times? They are always ecstatic, overjoyed, overwhelmed with triumph written all over them.
I keep wondering why things are so different nowadays. Some of my friends said that it's because all their strife and struggle will be obliterated because it's been cast upon he who will bear their troubles. That means no more trouble titi lai.
Talk about comprehensive insurance! :D.
Is that NICON or IGI abi na AIG?
What's your take on this?
Its so funny when you think about it. The world has really changed. You get so amused when you see a five years old girl taking her birth in closed doors.
I realize that modernization is about to take away the core traditional values that has been in our generation for a while. But with the help on people like you, i think we should be able to reinstate the situation.
Merry xmas too my dear. Howdy. Don't tell me you are already back at work!!
well,it's simply because people see things in a different way nowadays that's because alot of things av changed in terms of infastructure,technology,fashion and style,lifestyle,entertainment industry bla bla bla,we have grown up to the level that there's a machine to pound yam,we need not go to the stream to get water,we can talk to anyone in any part of the country and so on.we adapt to these changes and even grow more everyday.
so u see,its simply changes
Well, I knew things have changed when my 4-year old daughter proudly announced to me that she now has a boyfriend in school and my 6 year old son asks us to buy a bottle of wine for the parents of the girl he wants to marry!
remember xmas is a foreign concept, thus the menu would have some foreign-ness to it
yeah, everyone knows about sex, especially those who have no business knowing
Women cried at their weddings because in most cases, it was not their choice. Today it is,so why should they be unhappy. If they end up unhappy, no one forced them into it
oh sweet change...when is it good when is it not good?...should we forget things simply because a machine can now do it?...i had to learn to wash my clothes by hand in naija this dec...i still can't build and maintain a fire for cooking...children no longer play like we used to, with toys we created ourselves...things are changing but i don't know if it is all good...nice post...
My Bro, what do u do when a 12 yr old boy comes to look for your 10 yr old niece? or sister? It happened to me!
Happy New Year! All the Best.
You see the trouble we men have to go thru ehn...I think pips have just gotten real. The whole crying thingie was just tradition..
LOLLLLL. Times have really changed, true.
I've got one from last night sef: a 1-yr old baby pointed (actually touched) a friend's boobs and was like "hey girl" a.k.a "I see u've got some nice cleavage there.
Has innocence been lost too? Lol. That was funny...she also knows the meaning of kiss, how to do hi-5...etc...etc.
Tony how na? Oya update! Or have u made an exit?
excellent post...think I agree with you, times have changed
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