A kid was once asking his uncle, who was mesmerised by the figure of the lady he was talking to, if e wanted to go inside his room with her :).He asked the kid he would go in to do with her. The kid smiled sheepishly and said with giggles all over him 'don't you know what men and women do in the room?'. At 8! Imagine that.
I was woken up by my little nephew one day during the christmas holiday who lamented about the match Chelsea played around that time (I've forgotten the other club now). He said he wasn't happy with the configuration of players Mourinho used. He said that was why Chelsea won by a lone goal.

A man was complaining that he doesn't bother hiding things from his 10yr old boy again. It's just like taking a course in rocket science or cryptography if you dare it. He can fathom everything going on in his dad's head.
Kids nowadays come with a Pentium VI processor and 2048MB RAM. Hard disk size should be like 2.5 Terabytes.
If you visit homes where kids are, u'll find out that it's everywhere. Their heights and sizes are immense. A 15yr old boy will pass for an adult of 40 yrs when viewed from the back. Don't even talk about girls of that age.
At their age, we were racking our brain trying to memorise London bridge and 12 times table. God seems to be fairer to kids of this age 'cos they have the capacity to do so many things that you wonder if they are as young as their ages tell you. I'm thinking this metamorphosis is due to genetically-modified (GM) foods produced nowadays. They sure contain fertilisers.
Imagine what the world will look like when they grow old!
When you see what these kids watch on Cartoon Nework and K TV, you wouldn't be surprised. Because, they see Johnny Bravo chasing sexy babes to kiss them and date them and sex is all over K TV with Lizzy Maguire and company and the Internet is their playground when the parents are away at work or elsewhere. Surfing porn sites and watching X-rated musicals videos.
Here I am past 42 and I am being harassed by high school girls who address me without calling me uncle. And one of them embarrassed me at the bus stop the other day when she hugged me and was molesting me in passionate lust in public and onlookers were gaping and gasping.
They see me as one of their Pop idols and film stars and want to re-enact the romantic scenes they have seen on Cable TV, watching MTV, "Lost" and other sordid acts.
We have to do something fast or social anarchy will reign over us in the 21st Century.
Like you know,
They are growing up fast very fast these days, its unbelievable how much they know.
Anyway the young shall grow and i think the future is going to be bright enough with the new generation as they ask a lot of questions and demanding the real truth instead of the "fabricated" truth. Its scary at the same time interesting
What you write about is made possible in great extent by technology. Due to technology, ie-- from medicine and public health to education and entertainment-- youths of today live in better world. And the effect is what you and I see everyday...would you have envisaged the blogging craze as it is some 10-20 years ?
Kids know much more than we could imagine. The amount of information they get from television alone is unbelievable. While some of us were growing up, the concept of 24 hour TV was unknown. TV began by 5 pm with cartoons and by 7 pm, the children's segment was over. So, we got a maximum of two hours of TV each day (one hour actually, because the second hour was reserved for playing!).
Now kids have access to TV programs all day long (except when they are at school or in bed of course). The programs they watch have also evolved. Cartoons are much more explicit than they were and kissing on TV now appears acceptable.
The education curricula are also changing. Kids are taught about sex in schools much earlier due to HIV/AIDS.
Some of us had to learn the hard way. Encyclopedia happened to be our gates to the outside world. I can still recall digging through pages of "Encyclopedia Britannica", "Encyclopedia of Science", and "Book of Knowledge" while a 10 year old. No need these days—they're all on the net at the click of a mouse. So kids can get to learn much more at a much faster rate than some of us did.
As Nneka said its interesting but scary!
You should meet my kid! This is not a proud mother talking o but damn she is the smartest 5 year old I have ever seen! We take turns on the computer, she calls people dials their number and all and when you try to talk to her in a condescending manner, as adults often talk to kids, she rolls her eyes and concludes you are not very smart. She knows every lyric to every hot song out there mehn I could go on. She freaks me out alot because she is a wealth of information...I thank God sha!
Yes kids of todays are too brilliant, that is why anytime i remember the 60 brilliant students loyola college who dead in Crash plane i cried bitterly becos those are the kids that GOd want to use to rebuild nigeria,
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