And barely 6 days into the new year, I just can't do without one'a my addicted habits. Went to the movie shop and got a collection of Anthony Hopkins.

I guess this addiction is becoming quite negative considering the fact that I didn't even keep a pen to write down new words or phrases. I just sit there consuming every part of the movie, giving it my utmost attention like I was preparing for PhD. What differentiates me from a junkie if my addiction isn't bringing positive results to my life at the long run? Well, they say not all addictions are bad (at least Bill Gates has showed that clearly), I'm just gonna have to make it work for my good. But I don't wanna dump my new year resolution for nothing. I guess I'll just have to cut the time I waste on other stuffs to accomodate this addiction, since I consider it a good one. And it's close to the Oscar month and u don't wanna miss the streams of movies that inundate movie shops just because they wanna win. U'll be sorry if you do.
Now I got like 700 pages to read and assimilate in 17 days. God help me! It's not easy being the best in the areas of life you choose to. It's more of sleep-consuming (that's if sleep isn't ur area of specialty like my kid brother).
Well, I still got the good old recitals of Dr Tai Solarin ringing in my head - 'The heights that great men reached and kept were not attained by a sudden flight, but they while their companions slept kept toiling upwards through the night'.
By the way, have you seen Dogma? Please don't drink any form of liquid when watching (not even water), u cld spew it all over the place, or even get it smuggled to your medula oblongata while laughing. And if you're a clergy, it's good for you.
Cut out the movies and start grinding your books my friend. You just don't want to be a referred to as a PhD candidate, right...?
Good luck!
Yes Daddy.
I'll do that right away :D
My new year's resolutions....dont really make them, cause i dont really keep them.
Read your books oh, why dont you go online and read up if you dont like to read a book.
Yeah seen dogma, very, very funny!
Read oh! its very good for the mind
As if you knew my phobia Nneka.
I've digitized most of my books. Staring at paper pages make me drowzy after like 1hr of reading.
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