Tuesday, April 24, 2007

More questions

Leaving the phantasmagoric discombobulation of the election, I already told you that the technology in Nigeria for vote counting is the greatest.
A few questions for y'all. Why is it that people after opting out of a relationship still want to express control over who their exs choose to go out with? Why is it that when a lady tells you to leave her alone, deep down within her she really doesn't mean it? Why is it always hard for them to make up their minds and stick to their decisions? EEPROM brains right? Why is it that people that one perceives to be strong-minded are usually the ones that are exactly opposite?

Now you see it, now you don't.


IJEOMA said...

why is it that men always think that when a woman asks to be left alone she doesnt mean it?
some of us do. in fact a lot of us do.

Nilla said...

All these your questions self.....what did ladies do to you?...lol

I concur with Ijeoma's answer.

Keshi said...

I dun control who my EXs r dating now. I guess it comes down to each individual. Not everyone is like this, r we Anthony?


Anonymous said...

Strange that you experience this as a Man.

As a female, this really irritates me. All my 4 ex boyfriends still keep semi-in touch and always want to know who am going out with.

chidi said...

actually yeah when a woman asks to be left alone, sometimes she does mean it. othr times, she just wants more of your attention i think

Ms. Catwalq said...

This is my first time on your blog and I can say after reading some of your early posts, you just might have your understanding of women a little twisted.
You need Women 101

IJEOMA said...

ijeoma was here.. time to update!

Enioluwaopalekun said...

Your blog is wonderful, I also appreciate the idea that you culled my article 'why the short and ugly are married’ from the village square. Part II and other articles are also viewable both on village square and on my blog http://enioluwaopalekunn.blogspot.com/
Thank you

Dele Oluwole

Omodudu said...

Why is it that people that one perceives to be strong-minded are usually the ones that are exactly opposite?

Because they were good at hiding and people percieve that as strength. I am one so I know. Folks think I am rock if only they knew.
But on the relationship tip though...the human mind sucks thats why we need God.

Nilla said...


How can you be more scarce than I am???

It's almost a month now...UPDATE!

Hope you're doing fine!

Anu boy said...

nice... check out my blog... new in here

Jennifer A. said...

Hmmm...I like Omodudu's answer. But in retrospect, none of us are really strong. How I handle my strength is that I take upon the strength of God, and people see it as strength. But it's not my strength...but it is strength that overshadows my WEAKNESS...

Whoever is strong of their own might will be weak when trouble comes, but whoever trusts in God will be strong in the day of adversity.

Lollll...I sound like I'm speaking shakespeare or somn...but this is the strength I believe in...

Abt girls in relationships...lol...hmmm...u've gotta understand that sometimes when ur partner says "no" she really means "yes"...come on Tony...its all part of the game? It makes life interesting...don't u think??? LOLLLL...

Anthony Arojojoye said...

Thanks everyone.
This has been my longest stay-away from the internet. Time to yarn you guys the koko.

@ Nilla - Big Daddy's home.