Saturday, December 17, 2005

Getting to know you

I was tagged by Nyjaguy .
Hopefully we’ll get to know each other this way…there are a ton of Nigerian folks on Blogspot and I think we should get to know each other, I saw this on Xanga and I think its cool so here is how it works.The Rules 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blogspot entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their blogspot IDs.
There goes:

1. There's a kind of music player in my brain that starts playing randomly selected music almost every morning I wake up, and it doesn't stop for many hours in the mornings.
2. I hear a voice that speaks to me each & every time I do anything that 'You can do better than this (though I get pissed atimes after I've expended so much energy on the task).
3. I don't seem to have any stomach for cheating and injustice. Even when I don't want to talk or wanna look away, my actions bare my anger when I encounter injustice (My mama said I picked that from her).
4. I don't like parties/owambes or any kind of flambouyant life. I just like it quiet and simple most times.
4 1/2. There's a force that propels me to do most of the things I do that people term to be splendid. Personally, I ain't got the capacity for such nice things.
5. When I buy clothes, I usually buy like 3 exact replica type everytime. My sister says it's weird, but isn't it to wear something that's ok and just go?!

Grandiose Parlor™
Black Looks

1 comment:

Imnakoya said...


Thanks for the invite and the tag. Dude, who in their right minds would be interested in reading about my weirdest habits???

I'll take you tag, but I'm going to write my profile on my blog instead...its about time I wrote one anyway.

Talk about being a party popper...sorry!